Division Director:
Prof. Boris Joffe - Phone: 08-8518829

Head Doctor:
Dr. Rina Berkowits - Phone: 08-8518881

Division Head Nurse:
Mrs. Irena Yesilevich - Phone: 08-8518829
Purpose of hospitalization in the department:
To help, support and assist the patient in the process of balancing and stabilizing his medical condition while providing the highest quality of life possible.
The complex care nursing ward combines advanced methods for treating complex care patients with a warm and loving attitude.
Who are the patients who come for hospitalization?
The ward is intended for patients referred from the community or other medical centers, who require care and medical supervision and meet the Ministry of Health’s criteria for a complex care nursing patient.
These criteria are:
Patients suffering from malignant diseases.
Patients suffering from pressure sores and wounds that are difficult to heal.
Patients requiring dialysis.
Patients with respiratory problems (tracheostomy).
Patients who need fluid or blood transfusion regularly.
Unstable nursing patients requiring medical care and monitoring.
The Ward’s Staff:
The treatment on the ward is carried out by a multidisciplinary team that provides help and assistance to the patient in all aspects of his life – physical, emotional and social. The multidisciplinary team works in constant cooperation and coordination in order to respond to the needs of the patients and their families.